Episode 5: Supporting Main Street
Climbing business costs and shifts in the market accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic are posing challenges to the future of small retailers along Main Street business areas.
Source: Sarah Tranum
This episode of the Designing a Humane Future podcast is dedicated to small businesses - to exploring the future of our Main Street shops and understanding ways to ensure they can continue to be part of our communities and our lives now and looking ahead. In this episode, we explore these possible future trends and learn from those involved in running and championing small business every day. We’ll look at the challenges facing small businesses and some of the solutions that are helping them to navigate the uncertainties now and that can allow them to thrive into the future.
Learn more about those interviewed by visiting the following links (in order of appearance):
Judy Morgan
Judy Morgan Consulting
Anita Agrawal
Co-author, “Out of Control”, Commercial Rent Report, February 2022
CEO, Best Bargains Jewellery
Aaron Binder
Director, Better Way Alliance
Chief Experience Officer, Segway Ontario
Chief Experience Officer, Go Tours Canada
John Kiru
Executive Director, Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas
MEDIA about Episode 5
Read an article written by Sarah that complements this podcast episode, called “Saving Main Street: Local businesses need community support to stay afloat“ published in The Conversation.
Listen to a radio interview with Sarah on CBC’s “The Morning Edition - K-W with Craig Norris”.