
Truly great ideas that offer meaningful solutions to life’s complexities come from those who are most directly impacted by them, not necessarily from those whose official job title it is to fix the problems. TrickleUp Design is so named because we believe that the best ideas and the designs that can come from them ‘trickle up’; they spring forth from the people, who through their daily lives see ways to improve the world around them. Our mission is to find the nuggets of truth and insight offered by real people, listen, think, build and grow these ideas into realizable solutions that can be put out into the world.

We specialize in developing concepts for products and services that are socially, culturally, environmentally, and financially sustainable. We believe in using the participatory design process as a tool for creating positive change in the world and put that belief into practice with each project we take on. Through engaged research, brainstorming, prototyping and communicating, we help our collaborators offer cutting edge solutions. A big part of this is re-imagining and revolutionizing the business models that allow these innovations to be financially sustaining.

When we are not working with others, TrickleUp is also passionate about developing new products and services in-house. Often we identify opportunities in the market that compel us to delve deeper and create innovative concepts. We bring these ideas through the same in-depth process that we take our client’s work. Those with the most promise after thorough research and prototyping, propel us to bring them into the world as tangible, and hopefully, game-changing solutions.

We welcome your projects; the more challenging the better. TrickleUp Design will help you identify your goals, envision innovative solutions and put an actionable plan together that will bring these concepts to market. We look forward to designing change with you!